Vengeful Twins (HoF2 mod)
A downloadable mod
An encounter chain mod in which the player helps a pair of warrior twins take revenge on the empire. This was the first mod I made for the game, working on it was a way for me to learn how to use the Hand of Fate 2 editor.
The mod contains:
-An encounter chain with three parts.
-One new unlockable encounter card.
-Three new unlockable equipment cards.
Install instructions
Note: This version of the mod is for non-Steam users. If you are running Hand of Fate 2 on Steam, you can subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop.
To install on Linux, Mac or Windows, extract the zip file into the following location under your Hand of Fate 2 install folder (if you're on Windows, the slashes are the other way around):
Hand of Fate 2_Data/StreamingAssets/AssetBundles/mod/
Once the mod has been installed, you'll need a mod-enabled save slot to play it with. It is recommended that you clone an existing save, as leaderboards and achievements will be disabled for mod-enabled saves, and this process can not be undone. To create a mod-enabled clone of an existing save, select "Load Game / Mods" from the game's main menu, and then click the cog icon to the right of your save slot.
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